Tuesday, December 26
Kristi and I decided to take the kids to Orlando as our Christmas gift to them. We drove down in our new van leaving Tuesday the 26th. It is approximately 620 miles one way. Unfortunately the day we left everyone on the eastern seaboard decided to drive to Florida as well. The traffic was as bad as anything I have ever driven in. Everyone hung in there and we arrived late evening just before 10:00 p.m. We stayed with Matt and Stacy Jemtrud and their son Ryan. The girls loved playing with Ryan and had a great time.
We went to Magic Kingdom on Thursday the 28th. The excitement and energy of Disney was all around us and the kids were very happy to be there. The first day at Magic Kingdom was analogous to walking around New Orleans during Mardi Gras. I think the entire population of North America were at Magic Kingdom that day. Needless to say, we did not have the experience we anticipated but did manage to take in the Pirates of Caribbean ride and the Haunted Mansion. We left Magic Kingdom around 3:30 and went to Animal Kingdom which was much less crowded. We were able to get in the Bug's Life Theatre and Kristi took the girls to the Dinosaur ride while Matt & I took the boys around to the kiddy rides. On our way out we ate at the Rainforest Cafe and the kids were all almost asleep before our food arrived.
We went to SeaWorld on Saturday the 30th. SeaWorld was a hit. There were fewer people which made it easier to get around and take everything in. We went to the Shamu show, fed live sharks and pet dolphins. Nora and Hanna got their first Henna tattoos. Matt and I took a ride on the Kraken roller coaster. That was fantastic. You forget how much you can laugh when you get older and riding on the Kraken was like being 18 again.
My great grandfather emigrated from Norway. His name was Ole Berent Pederson but he chose the name of his wife; Melting. My children are the 5th generation of Meltings. The purpose of this blog is to help keep our friends and family connected to each other.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
First Christmas in Raleigh
Sunday, December 24
This was the first Christmas we have not been with our extended family. This was also the first Christmas we did not have snow. Although it did not feel like a traditional holiday and we missed everyone back home, we did appreciate the relaxing atmosphere. We didn't worry about forgetting gifts or running late to see everyone.
Nora and Hanna were very happy to open and play with their gifts in their new home. Sam had the best time ripping the wrapping off his presents but after he got his first toy out of the box, he lost interest in opening the rest of his gifts. Luckily his sisters volunteered to assist him.
This was the first Christmas we have not been with our extended family. This was also the first Christmas we did not have snow. Although it did not feel like a traditional holiday and we missed everyone back home, we did appreciate the relaxing atmosphere. We didn't worry about forgetting gifts or running late to see everyone.
Nora and Hanna were very happy to open and play with their gifts in their new home. Sam had the best time ripping the wrapping off his presents but after he got his first toy out of the box, he lost interest in opening the rest of his gifts. Luckily his sisters volunteered to assist him.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
First Odyssey
Saturday, December 16
Since the addition of Sam to our family, we have outgrown our Honda CRV. Over the past few weeks Kristi and I have been researching previously owned vehicles and test driving them. Yesterday I went to Carmax and five hours later came home with our first Honda Odyssey. The timing could not be better since we are driving down to Orlando on 12/25/06 to stay with the Jemtrud's and go to Disney.
Since the addition of Sam to our family, we have outgrown our Honda CRV. Over the past few weeks Kristi and I have been researching previously owned vehicles and test driving them. Yesterday I went to Carmax and five hours later came home with our first Honda Odyssey. The timing could not be better since we are driving down to Orlando on 12/25/06 to stay with the Jemtrud's and go to Disney.
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Tooth Fairy
Hanna recently lost another tooth. She is very interested in discovering if the Tooth Fairy is actually real or not. Hanna decided to write a note and leave it with her tooth. Here is what she wrote:
Dear tooth fary are you real? this tooth came out early. and Please write back if you know my language and wats your name? from Hanna too tooth fary.
If you look closely at the note, you can see the Tooth Fairy replied to her questions;-)
Dear tooth fary are you real? this tooth came out early. and Please write back if you know my language and wats your name? from Hanna too tooth fary.
If you look closely at the note, you can see the Tooth Fairy replied to her questions;-)
Celebrating Josie's Birthday

My sister-in-law Josie turned 30 on 12/15/06. We bought her a plane ticket to come stay with us over the weekend. Emily, Josie's sister, bought a ticket and came out for the weekend as well. Needless to say, Nora and Hanna were pleasantly surprised to see their aunties.
On Friday evening Kristi, Emily, Josie and I went out for dinner at Michael Deans Seafood & Oyster Bar and then downtown to The Big Easy to take in some nightlife. We had a great time but age is catching up with us since we tired out early.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Music Man Junior
Thursday, December 14
Hanna and I went to dinner together after her soccer practice. It was just us since Kristi and Sam were picking up Emily and Josie at the airport. The food was average but it was a special dinner because I don't often spend time alone with my daughters (typically we are all together). I really enjoyed hanging out with Hanna and was touched by the beautiful picture she drew of us.
After dinner, we stood in line to be seated at the Durant Road Musical Theatre. Nora played the part of Oliver Hix, a member of the Quartet, in the play The Music Man Junior. Nora has been in several plays and really enjoys herself throughout the entire play practices and actual performances. Nora did an excellent job! She nailed all of her lines and sang the songs with confidence and enthusiasm. I am very proud of her but don't want her to continue growing up so fast.
I was fortunate to experience several perfect moments with my girls last night. I am lucky to have such two wonderful daughters.
Hanna and I went to dinner together after her soccer practice. It was just us since Kristi and Sam were picking up Emily and Josie at the airport. The food was average but it was a special dinner because I don't often spend time alone with my daughters (typically we are all together). I really enjoyed hanging out with Hanna and was touched by the beautiful picture she drew of us.
After dinner, we stood in line to be seated at the Durant Road Musical Theatre. Nora played the part of Oliver Hix, a member of the Quartet, in the play The Music Man Junior. Nora has been in several plays and really enjoys herself throughout the entire play practices and actual performances. Nora did an excellent job! She nailed all of her lines and sang the songs with confidence and enthusiasm. I am very proud of her but don't want her to continue growing up so fast.
I was fortunate to experience several perfect moments with my girls last night. I am lucky to have such two wonderful daughters.
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Grandma and Grandpa took Nora and Hanna to the Nutcracker in downtown Raleigh at the Progress Energy Center. Everyone had a good time and an outstanding view. Kristi and I took advantage of some alone time (with Sam of course) and explored downtown.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving in Raleigh
Thursday, November 23
Happy Thanksgiving!
We wish we were back home celebrating with our friends and family. We are fortunate that Tom and Kim are here to celebrate with us. They flew into Raleigh yesterday and will be staying with us until Monday. It is nice to see familiar faces from back home. Nick and Cassie Bourdon will also be joining us today.
Last night Kristi made a "pecan and walnut pie with bourbon & chocolate". Earlier this week she made a frozen pumpkin pie.
This morning Tom, Nora, Magnus and myself went on a hike. I think we tuckered Tom out;-)
More to come on today's events...
Happy Thanksgiving!
We wish we were back home celebrating with our friends and family. We are fortunate that Tom and Kim are here to celebrate with us. They flew into Raleigh yesterday and will be staying with us until Monday. It is nice to see familiar faces from back home. Nick and Cassie Bourdon will also be joining us today.
Last night Kristi made a "pecan and walnut pie with bourbon & chocolate". Earlier this week she made a frozen pumpkin pie.
This morning Tom, Nora, Magnus and myself went on a hike. I think we tuckered Tom out;-)
More to come on today's events...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Halloween in Raleigh
Tuesday, October 31
Halloween this year was different than we have grown accustom to. Over the past 5 years we have developed a tradition with the Olson's in Fargo, ND. The girls and the Olson boys would gather candy until it was too cold to visit another house and then they would play together the rest of the evening. During play time Kristi and I would sip warm coco's while Reese drank whiskey;-)
This year I sat on the porch of my house in shorts passing out candy while Kristi and the girls toured the neighborhood with over a dozen kids. One tradition we were able to continue was having the kids costumes made for them by thier Nana Pam. The girls love this and look forward to it every year. This year Nora was a Red Fox, Hanna was Little Red Riding Hood and Sam was Superman.
Halloween this year was different than we have grown accustom to. Over the past 5 years we have developed a tradition with the Olson's in Fargo, ND. The girls and the Olson boys would gather candy until it was too cold to visit another house and then they would play together the rest of the evening. During play time Kristi and I would sip warm coco's while Reese drank whiskey;-)
This year I sat on the porch of my house in shorts passing out candy while Kristi and the girls toured the neighborhood with over a dozen kids. One tradition we were able to continue was having the kids costumes made for them by thier Nana Pam. The girls love this and look forward to it every year. This year Nora was a Red Fox, Hanna was Little Red Riding Hood and Sam was Superman.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Haunted Mordecai
Saturday, October 28
The Mordecai house was built in 1785 and is located near downtown Raleigh. The house is allegedly haunted. The girls thought it would be cool to see a haunted house so we all went down for the evening in costume.
Unfortunately the tour of the house itself was sold out. This was awful planning on behalf of the event coordinator. We were able to partake in some activities to lessen the disappointment for the girls. They were able to color trick or treat bags they could keep. They also spun string into rope to make garlic necklaces. Hanna took her necklace off when we got home because the smell was making her sick.
The Mordecai house was built in 1785 and is located near downtown Raleigh. The house is allegedly haunted. The girls thought it would be cool to see a haunted house so we all went down for the evening in costume.
Unfortunately the tour of the house itself was sold out. This was awful planning on behalf of the event coordinator. We were able to partake in some activities to lessen the disappointment for the girls. They were able to color trick or treat bags they could keep. They also spun string into rope to make garlic necklaces. Hanna took her necklace off when we got home because the smell was making her sick.
Friday, October 27, 2006
High School Football
Friday, October 27
After Hanna attended a cheer leading clinic, she was invited to perform at halftime of the high school football game. Although the evening of the game was drizzling and the Wakefield Wolverines lost to the Broughton Capitals 17-14, Hanna had a blast and was smiling from ear to ear.
After Hanna attended a cheer leading clinic, she was invited to perform at halftime of the high school football game. Although the evening of the game was drizzling and the Wakefield Wolverines lost to the Broughton Capitals 17-14, Hanna had a blast and was smiling from ear to ear.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Blue Ridge Parkway
Monday, October 2
The morning after our visit to the Biltmore Estate we packed up our vehicle and headed toward Grandfather Mountain. We were approximately 90 miles away from our destination and our path was to be the famous Blue Ridge Parkway. With the wonderful experience we had the day before I was not expecting to be as impressed on day two of our adventure. I am happy to admit I was wrong. For those of you that are not familiar with the Blue Ridge Parkway, it was built right after the great depression in an effort to help generate jobs. The parkway is over 400 miles long and it was the first of its kind. It connects the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina.
Our specific path that day was from Mile Post 394 - 290. The parkway is a windy road and the maximum recommended speed is 45 m.p.h. in designated areas. On average we drove 35 m.p.h. There are numerous scenic overlooks you can pull off the main road and park at. These are incredible but they add time to your journey.
There were a few key stops we made that are worth mentioning. The first one was Mount Mitchell. Just before the peak there is a restaurant that has a fantastic overlook where we had lunch. Kristi kicked two biker locals out of their window table so we could have the best seat in the house. After lunch we drove to the peak but could not actually get to the official peak site because it was closed. The second stop was Little Switzerland. We stopped here to look at the shops and decided it would be better to move on but agreed next time through we would visit longer.
The third stop was the Linville Caverns. This was a stop we had planned on and ended up being a true test of my ability to manage my claustrophobia. Our tour guide for the caverns had a dry sense of humor and probably was going to play dungeons & Dragons that evening (likely lets his buddies into the caverns after hours for real gaming effect). The tour (consisting of 12 people) takes you back into the caverns 600 feet, the walkway is narrow and the clearance is less than 5 feet in places. There is one part of the tour when you walk into a section so narrow you have to walk sideways in a single file. This section ends in a room where several people can stand while the others are spread out along this sliver of a catwalk shoulder to shoulder. Once everyone has stopped, the tour guide shares with us we are standing over a bottomless cavern, "...we have used sonar and can verify it descends at least 250 feet but when we brought divers in they could only go to 50 feet before risking being trapped...". Next he asks me to reach into a cove area and flip a light switch on. Once I do this the tour guide continues, "...if you look below your feet, you will see you are standing on a small man made bridge that is suspended over the bottomless cavern...". When I looked down to view this, the only thing that prevented me from hauling out of there like the Hulk was that I had fortunately been last in line (first out of this Indiana Jones death trap of doom) and physically next to the tour guide. We learned on the way through the remainder of the tour that during the Civil War, deserted soldiers hid in these caverns for up to a year. The last part of this tour was a demonstration of "pure darkness". Apparently when there is no light present your eyes can not focus on anything to adjust to the darkness and if you are exposed to this for more than six months you will go blind. But don't worry about that because after just two weeks you go crazy. Our tour guide positioned everyone to hold the hands of their tour mates and turned out all the lights to expose us to this. While we were in "pure darkness" he explained how people used to enter these caverns with a lantern or flash light and after exploring for hours they would drop their lantern into the water or lose their flash light and be trapped in total darkness with no way out. After he joked about letting us try to find our way out, he turned the lights back on and we exited the caverns.
Our last pass through worth noting was the Lin Cove Viaduct. It is a short piece of the road but what makes it special is that it is basically a long stretch of suspended bridge which was built alongside the mountain.
The morning after our visit to the Biltmore Estate we packed up our vehicle and headed toward Grandfather Mountain. We were approximately 90 miles away from our destination and our path was to be the famous Blue Ridge Parkway. With the wonderful experience we had the day before I was not expecting to be as impressed on day two of our adventure. I am happy to admit I was wrong. For those of you that are not familiar with the Blue Ridge Parkway, it was built right after the great depression in an effort to help generate jobs. The parkway is over 400 miles long and it was the first of its kind. It connects the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina.
Our specific path that day was from Mile Post 394 - 290. The parkway is a windy road and the maximum recommended speed is 45 m.p.h. in designated areas. On average we drove 35 m.p.h. There are numerous scenic overlooks you can pull off the main road and park at. These are incredible but they add time to your journey.
There were a few key stops we made that are worth mentioning. The first one was Mount Mitchell. Just before the peak there is a restaurant that has a fantastic overlook where we had lunch. Kristi kicked two biker locals out of their window table so we could have the best seat in the house. After lunch we drove to the peak but could not actually get to the official peak site because it was closed. The second stop was Little Switzerland. We stopped here to look at the shops and decided it would be better to move on but agreed next time through we would visit longer.
The third stop was the Linville Caverns. This was a stop we had planned on and ended up being a true test of my ability to manage my claustrophobia. Our tour guide for the caverns had a dry sense of humor and probably was going to play dungeons & Dragons that evening (likely lets his buddies into the caverns after hours for real gaming effect). The tour (consisting of 12 people) takes you back into the caverns 600 feet, the walkway is narrow and the clearance is less than 5 feet in places. There is one part of the tour when you walk into a section so narrow you have to walk sideways in a single file. This section ends in a room where several people can stand while the others are spread out along this sliver of a catwalk shoulder to shoulder. Once everyone has stopped, the tour guide shares with us we are standing over a bottomless cavern, "...we have used sonar and can verify it descends at least 250 feet but when we brought divers in they could only go to 50 feet before risking being trapped...". Next he asks me to reach into a cove area and flip a light switch on. Once I do this the tour guide continues, "...if you look below your feet, you will see you are standing on a small man made bridge that is suspended over the bottomless cavern...". When I looked down to view this, the only thing that prevented me from hauling out of there like the Hulk was that I had fortunately been last in line (first out of this Indiana Jones death trap of doom) and physically next to the tour guide. We learned on the way through the remainder of the tour that during the Civil War, deserted soldiers hid in these caverns for up to a year. The last part of this tour was a demonstration of "pure darkness". Apparently when there is no light present your eyes can not focus on anything to adjust to the darkness and if you are exposed to this for more than six months you will go blind. But don't worry about that because after just two weeks you go crazy. Our tour guide positioned everyone to hold the hands of their tour mates and turned out all the lights to expose us to this. While we were in "pure darkness" he explained how people used to enter these caverns with a lantern or flash light and after exploring for hours they would drop their lantern into the water or lose their flash light and be trapped in total darkness with no way out. After he joked about letting us try to find our way out, he turned the lights back on and we exited the caverns.
Our last pass through worth noting was the Lin Cove Viaduct. It is a short piece of the road but what makes it special is that it is basically a long stretch of suspended bridge which was built alongside the mountain.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Biltmore Estate: Asheville, NC
Sunday, October 1
We drove to Asheville, NC Saturday night. The next morning we got ready to go spend the day at the Biltmore Estate. When you arrive at the property entrance you pass through a security check point where you show proof of admittance. The actual estate is approximately three miles from the property entrance. You drive through a wooded area that has a spectacular view.
We began our visit by having brunch at the Deerpark Restaurant. The buffet was one of the best buffets I have visited. The choices were extensive and the quality of the food was exceptional. Nora and Hanna asked if we could eat there every weekend;-) When we walked out of the restaurant we saw a yellow and black spider the size of half of a hotdog in the flower bed by the sidewalk. Needless to say, I could not get Kristi to pose next to it for a photo.
Next on our journey was to tour the farm yard area where the animals were kept and the produce was grown. They had horses, sheep, goats and chickens. As Kristi and the girls were looking at the chickens, a hen laid an egg right in front of them! Next to this area was a "bird of prey" exhibit. We were able to step within five feet of a Redtailed Hawk, Barred Owl and a Great-Horned Owl. Near this was a mining exhibit where kids could take a bag of rocks mixed with sand and spread it out over a screen and run water over it to reveal any gem stones that were free to take home. Nora picked out all the purple ones and Hanna collected the blue ones. From here we visited a crafting area where we watched a potter, wood carver , blacksmith and a play about a snoring dragon. To close out this portion of our day we took a wagon ride pulled by two Belgian Draft horses which weighed over 2,100 pounds each. Nora & Hanna had their picture taken with Bert & Ernie (the horses).
Before going to the actual estate for our self guided tour we visited the Biltmore Estate Winery. Kristi and I attended a wine tasting while the girls waited in a kid designated coloring area. After looking over the available wines in the gift shop we all went outside to a grape stomp. Hanna, Nora and Kristi each took turns stomping grapes.
We had literally been saving the best for last. Our final stop was going into the Biltmore Estate for a self guided tour. We parked in the designated area and walked up to the vista which overlooks the grounds and estate. Once we reached the vista and took in the full view of the estate it was truly amazing. I told the girls this was Hogwarts (from Harry Potter) and we had enrolled them in school and we were dropping them off today. They didn't believe me but honestly, that is what it looks like. The building is 175,000 square feet and full of interesting art and history. One item in particular that I thought was cool is a chess set that once belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte.
We drove to Asheville, NC Saturday night. The next morning we got ready to go spend the day at the Biltmore Estate. When you arrive at the property entrance you pass through a security check point where you show proof of admittance. The actual estate is approximately three miles from the property entrance. You drive through a wooded area that has a spectacular view.
We began our visit by having brunch at the Deerpark Restaurant. The buffet was one of the best buffets I have visited. The choices were extensive and the quality of the food was exceptional. Nora and Hanna asked if we could eat there every weekend;-) When we walked out of the restaurant we saw a yellow and black spider the size of half of a hotdog in the flower bed by the sidewalk. Needless to say, I could not get Kristi to pose next to it for a photo.
Next on our journey was to tour the farm yard area where the animals were kept and the produce was grown. They had horses, sheep, goats and chickens. As Kristi and the girls were looking at the chickens, a hen laid an egg right in front of them! Next to this area was a "bird of prey" exhibit. We were able to step within five feet of a Redtailed Hawk, Barred Owl and a Great-Horned Owl. Near this was a mining exhibit where kids could take a bag of rocks mixed with sand and spread it out over a screen and run water over it to reveal any gem stones that were free to take home. Nora picked out all the purple ones and Hanna collected the blue ones. From here we visited a crafting area where we watched a potter, wood carver , blacksmith and a play about a snoring dragon. To close out this portion of our day we took a wagon ride pulled by two Belgian Draft horses which weighed over 2,100 pounds each. Nora & Hanna had their picture taken with Bert & Ernie (the horses).
Before going to the actual estate for our self guided tour we visited the Biltmore Estate Winery. Kristi and I attended a wine tasting while the girls waited in a kid designated coloring area. After looking over the available wines in the gift shop we all went outside to a grape stomp. Hanna, Nora and Kristi each took turns stomping grapes.
We had literally been saving the best for last. Our final stop was going into the Biltmore Estate for a self guided tour. We parked in the designated area and walked up to the vista which overlooks the grounds and estate. Once we reached the vista and took in the full view of the estate it was truly amazing. I told the girls this was Hogwarts (from Harry Potter) and we had enrolled them in school and we were dropping them off today. They didn't believe me but honestly, that is what it looks like. The building is 175,000 square feet and full of interesting art and history. One item in particular that I thought was cool is a chess set that once belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
First Birthday Party in Raleigh
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Falls Dam: Raleigh, NC

Saturday, September 23
This morning we all went hiking near the Falls Dam. I had Sam loaded in the BABYBJORN, Kristi had Magnus on his leash and the girls led the way. Everyone seemed to enjoy the exercise and scenery until Hanna fell and hit her leg on a rock. After her tears passed we continued our hike toward the lake and took a short break. The view of the lake is reminiscent of Minnesota. By the time we made it back to the car Hanna had declared she did not want to hike again because her legs hurt and Sam was out cold.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Columbia, South Carolina

I had dinner that evening at Sushi Yoshi. I sat at the sushi bar and the gentlemen who prepared my order (Sushi Deluxe) poured himself a glass of sake every 3-5 minutes. Needless to say, he was in a very good mood.
On Friday, September 22 when I was flying back to Raleigh I had a stop over in Charlotte, NC. While I was walking to the gate for my connecting flight I passed someone who looked exactly like a famous figure and said to myself, that can't be him. I found my gate and took a seat and started to check my email from my Treo. About 10 minutes later the guy I saw earlier came over to my gate and sat down. It was Colonel Sanders! Not long after he sat down a lady walked over and sat by him. They had a lengthy conversation and when the Colonel got up to leave I seized my opportunity and got a picture taken with him. Coincidently, on the airplane I sat next to the lady who had visited with the Colonel. She shared with me he was in Raleigh this weekend to promote a new store being opened and he was going to be at the NC State football game.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Return from Retirement

Nick and I had an 8:40 a.m. tee time for 18 holes at Wildwood Green. This would be my first time golfing in over three years. It was a perfect day with no breeze, no humidity and no mosquitoes. The course is a par 70 and my personal goal was to stay in the low 100's. We were paired up with a gentlemen named Rick who works for Lockheed Martin Corporation. Rick is a local who has played Wildwood before and helped us understand the course layout. Overall the course is very nice and the carts which have GPS are a nice feature that I had not played with before. My final score was 110 and Nick shot an 88. Although Nick's score was lower than mine, the one time we placed a wager on who could chip closest to the pin, I won;-)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
NFL Head Coach Sighting
Saturday, September 9, 2006
Nick Bourdon was in Raleigh over the weekend and we planned on golfing on Sunday. Since I have not golfed in over three years I talked Nick into going to the driving range to get some practice in. We took Nora & Hanna with us and went to the Falls Golf Complex and shared a bucket of 180 balls. Afterward we stopped at The Piper's Tavern on the way home for a refreshment and lunch. On the way out of the tavern we walked through the patio where I noticed Head Coach Bill Cowher from the Pittsburgh Steelers sitting there. As we were walking by Nick had the best line you could hope to use, "Hey coach, good game Thursday night." Bill replied, "thank you".
Nick Bourdon was in Raleigh over the weekend and we planned on golfing on Sunday. Since I have not golfed in over three years I talked Nick into going to the driving range to get some practice in. We took Nora & Hanna with us and went to the Falls Golf Complex and shared a bucket of 180 balls. Afterward we stopped at The Piper's Tavern on the way home for a refreshment and lunch. On the way out of the tavern we walked through the patio where I noticed Head Coach Bill Cowher from the Pittsburgh Steelers sitting there. As we were walking by Nick had the best line you could hope to use, "Hey coach, good game Thursday night." Bill replied, "thank you".
Monday, September 04, 2006
The Best Weekend Ever

We are at Wake Forest. We are about to go see the mist. It is 12:39 p.m. and today it is Sunday, September 3, 2006. It was early morning and it went by fast. It is the afternoon and it went so fast it seemed like 5 minutes. We are parked next to a red Impala on our right and on our left is a silver CRV just like our red CRV. This was the best weekend I ever had because we went to a waterpark at Silver Lake (it reminded me of Beethoven). I love my mom and dad they are the BEST. Never heart broken.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Silver Lake Waterpark: Raleigh, NC
Sunday, September 3, 2006 Part 2
The second half of our day was spent at the Silver Lake Waterpark in Raleigh, NC. When we drove up I was not expecting such a dated recreation center. It looked like one of the original waterparks with little or no updating since established. At first I though we should keep driving until we found a modern waterpark but after talking to Kristi we decided it would be interesting to experience old fashion family fun.
Walking up to the check in area there was 70's music blasting throughout the park. The music genre remained consistent from the time we arrived until we departed several hours later. My brother John would have enjoyed that more than I did;-) The cost of admission was not in alignment with the overall appearance of the park: $37.80 for all of us. Nora & Hanna of course thought it was "sweeeet". They swam constantly and had a great day while Kristi and I hung out with Sam on the beach.
The second half of our day was spent at the Silver Lake Waterpark in Raleigh, NC. When we drove up I was not expecting such a dated recreation center. It looked like one of the original waterparks with little or no updating since established. At first I though we should keep driving until we found a modern waterpark but after talking to Kristi we decided it would be interesting to experience old fashion family fun.
Walking up to the check in area there was 70's music blasting throughout the park. The music genre remained consistent from the time we arrived until we departed several hours later. My brother John would have enjoyed that more than I did;-) The cost of admission was not in alignment with the overall appearance of the park: $37.80 for all of us. Nora & Hanna of course thought it was "sweeeet". They swam constantly and had a great day while Kristi and I hung out with Sam on the beach.
Duke University: Durham, NC
Sunday, September 3, 2006 Part 1
Our second day into the Labor Day weekend started with a short visit to Duke University. We parked near the Duke Chapel and spent some time admiring the breathtaking view. The pictures I took can not convey the magnificence of this church. We have decided to return for services.
We walked around the campus for a short while and stopped into the student union before leaving. There are walking trails throughout the surrounding Duke Forest that we intend to return to for a longer outing.
Our second day into the Labor Day weekend started with a short visit to Duke University. We parked near the Duke Chapel and spent some time admiring the breathtaking view. The pictures I took can not convey the magnificence of this church. We have decided to return for services.
We walked around the campus for a short while and stopped into the student union before leaving. There are walking trails throughout the surrounding Duke Forest that we intend to return to for a longer outing.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Museum of Life and Science: Durham, NC
Saturday, September 2, 2006
We decided to get out and explore over Labor Day. To start the holiday weekend off we drove to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, NC. Admission cost $9.50 per adult and $7.50 for children. To take a train ride there is an extra $2.00 per passenger. The facility is expanding with a new areas opening soon that will include remote control boat racing and a dinosaur section. The outing was a success and we had a great time. I would like to go back once the expanded areas are completed.
We decided to get out and explore over Labor Day. To start the holiday weekend off we drove to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, NC. Admission cost $9.50 per adult and $7.50 for children. To take a train ride there is an extra $2.00 per passenger. The facility is expanding with a new areas opening soon that will include remote control boat racing and a dinosaur section. The outing was a success and we had a great time. I would like to go back once the expanded areas are completed.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Downtown Raleigh, NC
Sunday, August 19, 2006
Today we decided to explore downtown Raleigh where there is not much to see outside of the state capital. We did stop by Moore Square where a festivity had occurred the night before and walked around some. We stopped by the Falls Dam of Falls Lake which is approximately 3 miles from our house. We also drove around some of the Wakefield Plantation Estates.
Today we decided to explore downtown Raleigh where there is not much to see outside of the state capital. We did stop by Moore Square where a festivity had occurred the night before and walked around some. We stopped by the Falls Dam of Falls Lake which is approximately 3 miles from our house. We also drove around some of the Wakefield Plantation Estates.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Kure Beach, NC
Saturday, August 18, 2006
We had promised the girls we would take them to the ocean before school stared on August 25th. This was the same weekend a good friend of ours, Phil Gates, was in town visiting us. We loaded up the CRV and drove to Wilmington, NC which was 127 miles from Raleigh. Unbeknownst to us, this was the same weekend everyone was moving into their dorms at UNCW. Needless to say, the traffic was barely tolerable without having 3 children in the vehicle.
Once in Wilmington we realized it didn't end at the ocean per say so we kept driving to Carolina Beach and eventually stopped in Kure Beach. Compared to the ocean beaches I have been to in Florida and both Northern & Southern California, Kure Beach was just as beautiful. Before going onto the beach we made a short stop at an open house where Phil and Kristi went in together as the prospective buyers while I stayed in the vehicle with the kids. This home was literally on the beach overlooking the ocean and a steal at just $2.1M. We spent the remainder of the day at the beach swimming and the girls had a blast.
We had promised the girls we would take them to the ocean before school stared on August 25th. This was the same weekend a good friend of ours, Phil Gates, was in town visiting us. We loaded up the CRV and drove to Wilmington, NC which was 127 miles from Raleigh. Unbeknownst to us, this was the same weekend everyone was moving into their dorms at UNCW. Needless to say, the traffic was barely tolerable without having 3 children in the vehicle.
Once in Wilmington we realized it didn't end at the ocean per say so we kept driving to Carolina Beach and eventually stopped in Kure Beach. Compared to the ocean beaches I have been to in Florida and both Northern & Southern California, Kure Beach was just as beautiful. Before going onto the beach we made a short stop at an open house where Phil and Kristi went in together as the prospective buyers while I stayed in the vehicle with the kids. This home was literally on the beach overlooking the ocean and a steal at just $2.1M. We spent the remainder of the day at the beach swimming and the girls had a blast.
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