Friday, September 26, 2008

Academic Progress Report

Nora received her first quarterly report card as a sixth grader. We are very proud of her scholastic accomplishment. Here are her results:

Math: 100%
Healthful Living: 100%
Language Arts: 98.837%
Advance Science: 94.286%
Visual Arts: 93.15%
Advance Social Studies: 92.222%

Sunday, September 21, 2008


SparkCon was this weekend in downtown Raleigh. We all drove down to look at the display of chalk art on the street. Nora's art teacher was there and pointed out that four students from her school participated this year and she encouraged Nora to do so in next year's SparkCon. Here is a link to some of the picture we took.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stone Brewing

Tyler's Taproom in Durham, NC hosted a release party tonight for Stone Brewing Co. My babysitter bailed on me so I took the kids and went with two friends to enjoy some of the best micro beer you can find. Stone is based in Escondido, CA and their beers are only available in limited states at this time. Fortunately this release party marks Stone's availability in North Carolina. Click here to view some pictures I took. I apologize that several of the pictures didn't turn out that well.