This morning I went into the Raleigh Hand Clinic for my check up. The first thing I did was place my hand into a machine that had ground corn husks in it. The mulch was heated and the machine churned it so it moved around your hand. The purpose is to warm up the muscles in your hand before beginning therapy. Next, the took measurements of my flexibility which are on track for a good recovery. From this point I went to see my Dr. who removed the button and wire from my finger. He used a device that looked like a needle nose pliers and untied the wire, slipped the button off then yanked from one end of the wire until it pulled free from my the inside of my finger (which was actually threaded through my bone (he drilled a hole during the surgery) and ligament). I go back in one week for a therapy checkup and in three weeks for x-rays. I am still restricted from basketball and other impact activities. If all is well at my three week appointment I will be cleared to play basketball again.
1 comment:
Ouch for both you and Sam :( Hope it all works out well for you both! :)
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